Europe is known for its thriving Urban centers and old architecture. From mausoleums to castles, Europe has everything. A lot of European cities are thousands of years old and carry this aura of prestige and old glory. In today's city tour with Urban Jungle Photo Editor, we will be going through the best cities in Europe to photograph. The list is in no particular order, as each city offers a unique part of Europe. 5. Edinburgh, United Kingdom The medieval town of Edinburgh is known for its mesmerizing castles and beautiful alleyways. Edinburgh is in the heart of Scotland. Famous for the old Scottish buildings and alleyways, it is one of the best places to capture the true Scottish and English experience. Edinburgh's architecture will remind you a lot of the buildings and Architecture style in Harry Potter. And that is not a coincidence; J.K Rowling was heavily inspired by Edinburgh when she wrote the Harry Potter books. 4. Rome, Italy Rome was the heart of European power and culture for millennia. Over the centuries, Rome has built into this majestic caricature of the past. A reminder of the glorious old days. The city has so much architectural beauty to offer, from arenas to historic plazas; Rome has everything you need to capture the medieval Europe vibe in your photography. There is so much history and places to capture in Rome that you can spend weeks in Rome, and still, there would be so much left to explore. 3. Paris, France I can't talk about the best cities in Europe to photograph without mentioning Paris. Like Rome, Paris is also ancient and carries a lot of historical weight. The interesting thing about Paris is that you will find the architecture of almost every period in Paris, from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. Paris is considered the birthplace of Gothic architecture and style. In fact, a lot of beautiful architecture throughout Europe owes much of its beauty to Paris for being the birthplace of it all. 2. Munich, Germany Home to Beer and old buildings, Munich is the heart of the Bavarian region. Munich is home to both century-old buildings from old kingdoms as well as excellent examples of modern architecture like the Olympia park that was made for the 1972 summer Olympics. Munich has a lot of buildings neo-gothic-style buildings, so you can truly immerse in the authentic European culture. 1. Athens, Greece If you want to go back to the furthest in European history, then there is no better city than Athens. Athens is considered by many the birthplace of modern human civilization. The city is still scattered with 5th century B.C. landmarks like the Acropolis and the Parthenon. In fact, you can't cross a street in Athens without coming across a millennia-old landmark. The city is rich in history and culture. And the best part is that the old buildings and the modern Architecture just blend with each other.
While these cities don't come near to scratching the treasure trove of urban photography that Europe offers. These cities will give you a surface-level look at what Europe has to offer. Taking pictures is just half the work; the other half is editing them to really highlight the best parts of that picture. The Urban Jungle Photo Editor offers fantastic options to make your photographs reach their true artistic potential. Download it now for free on the Apple app store. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on upcoming exciting new features. You can also get your pictures featured on our page if you use the #UrbanJungleApp.
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