Mongolia is known for its rich pastures and long plains. This magical place was home to Genghis Khan, the famous central Asian conqueror that united the tribes of central Asia and wreaked havoc over the medieval world. Presently Mongolia is very sparsely populated. But it hosts unimaginable natural beauty and cultural heritage. From the Steppe mountains to the Gobi deserts, Mongolia covers a diverse range of ecosystems. So let’s look at some of the must-go places if you are visiting Mongolia. 1.Ulaanbaatar Mongolia is sparsely populated, in fact, half of the country’s population lives in the city of Ulaanbaatar, which is Mongolia’s capital city as well. The city is located at the point where the Selbe and Tuul rivers meet and it’s aptly named the valley of the golden cradle. Ulaanbaatar has a unique vibe to it, the city is a beautiful mix of urban and nomadic lifestyles. Ulaanbaatar is also full of extensive museums and galleries that record its rich history. From the Bogd Khan Winter Palace to the Choijin Lama monastery. If you are interested in Mongolian nomadic culture and history, you will truly enjoy Ulaanbaatar. 2.Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur means the Great White Lake. This lake and nearby nomadic villages are a serene sight to see. The crystal-clear water of the lake beautifully mirrors the clouds above. The white nomadic yurts that surround the plains add to the whole nomadic aesthetic of the place. Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur is a distant and peaceful place to camp for a few days and gets away from the fast life of the city. You can go horseback riding near the lake and take photographs of the local flora and fauna. 3.Altai Tavan Bogd National Park Tucked away and hidden in the northwestern part of Mongolia, the Altai Tavan Bogd National Park hosts some of the most beautiful landscapes in all of Mongolia. From snow-capped mountains to freshwater lakes. This place holds untouched natural beauty ready to be explored. The park is the perfect place for outdoorsy people looking for adventure. The park is home to many nomadic tribes of Kazakh and Tuvan people. You can stay with them as you explore the raw wilderness of Mongolia.
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